Top 5 Must-Haves for Baby's First 5 Months

Top 5 Must-Haves for Baby's First 5 Months

I can't believe that Baby S just turned 5 months old.  I still have flashbacks to our time in the NICU, but he is going strong and keeps me on my toes! 

He is transitioning to new things, and I'm figuring how to best adapt with him.  Looking back at the last few months, these baby items have really helped me out:


The Fisher-Price My Little Lamb Platinum Edition Deluxe Newborn Rock 'n Play Sleeper with Vibration is my #1 pick (It also has the longest name ever).  Baby S has been sleeping in this rocker each night since he was 6 weeks old.  I like that I can pull him next to my bed, so I can spot check him from my pillow during the night.  It also has a vibrate option which we used to use constantly, but only use as a last resort for the last 2 months or so.  I think Baby S sleeps well in the Rock N' Play because he's snug in the sling-type seat.


We are all familiar wit swaddling, right?  This brings us to my #2 Must-Have.  In the NICU I saw nurses wrap my baby up in a few different ways.  But for some reason once I brought him home, he always broke out of it.  Well, not every time, but enough!  Two months ago I bought the Aiden Swaddleplus 4 Pack which is a larger swaddle blanket that is about a 40" square.  I lay the blanket in the Rock N' Play so I can swaddle my baby when I set him in it.  He is extra snug in the seat, and my swaddle are quite successful.  

Swaddle blankets also help him fall asleep.  When I hold him on my chest, and it's nap time, I lay the swaddle over his back side, and leave enough at the top to come over his head and cover his eyes.  He starts to relax and close his eyes.  Once the pacifier is in his mouth, he's out.  

I also use this swaddle blanket to tuck Baby S in his car seat. Does that sound silly? My husband tried it one day, and our car rides have been much more peaceful since.  


My #3 Must-Have?  The Infantino Go GaGa Activity Gym & Shape Sorting Ball Pit.  My husband surprised me one day it.  Now, I can eat breakfast before I put Baby S down for his morning nap- hooray!  On average he'll play and kick around for about 10 minutes.  That's just enough time to use the bathroom and eat a little something.  My baby loves kicking the arches and can even hold on to the toy rings above.  Great exercise time for baby! (It also transitions with him as he gets older when can sit up on his own.)


"Baby Baluga in the deep blue sea..." This is Baby S' favorite Raffi song.  The Baby B. Glow Zzz's Whale Soothing Sound Sleeper is my new friend.  Mr. Whale, as we call him, lights up in different colors and plays two different water sounds.  I usually keep him in the crib.  Besides matching the decor perfectly, he entertains Baby S when I set him down to prep his next bottle, use the restroom, or get strapped into the baby harness.

Mr. Whale is a life saver in the car!  Baby S often throws tantrums when I put him in the car seat, and also during the car ride- especially at night.  This light up toy is perfect because it just casts a soft glow of color and is not distracting to the driver.  Plus, the sounds are relaxing and put him to sleep.  I never leave home with out it.


My #5 Must-Have for parents is a baby carrier.  I have the Infantino Flip Advanced 4-in-1 Carrier.  Honestly, I chose it begin the price was right and it was a neutral grey.  Don't judge me- It's just the designer in me!  My husband is convinced Baby S gets cabin fever, so we try to take him for a walk at least once a day.  The funny thing is that he will scream and cry while I snap him into the carrier, but he falls asleep before I make it to the driveway.  It's amazing.  Not only does he fall asleep in the carrier, I get my exercise walking up and down our hilly neighborhood.  Just make sure you get your straps to fit well so you don't kill your back.  This carrier saves me from a cranky afternoon each day.

If there are any new moms out there, I hope my Top 5 list can bring you some relief.  I found each of these aids over time, so it didn't all click in one day.  And as I look to the future, do the experienced moms  have any advice of your favorite products that helped you out during the first 12 months of mommy hood?